Friday, September 7, 2012

Dearest Family,
How are things there?

My companion (Elder Joy) is really cool. He is from Smithfield, UT, by Logan. To explain our personalities simply, it would be silent nerd (me), and silent athlete (him). We're half similar and half different it seems, we do get each other and where we are coming from. We get along together really well. He's not a jock, but he does love his gym time. He dreams of becoming an NBA player. The first couple days were really packed and stressful. My district is pretty cool, but there are some who can annoy me.

I'm sorry to hear Kayla didn't make the play, but I have an idea what she can do in her spare time. Either A) learn, read and study more, B) be a library or MTC volunteer, or C) something else that´s productive. You just cannot go back to being a devout Tobito believer just like that. Make sure to tell people (meaning friends of mine) my MTC address, and that it gets in the ward newsletter.
The MTC is a lot to take in. We have Role Plays with our teachers and others. For example, our two teachers role play as non-members, one a philosopher atheist, the other a Chinese Christian.  We got a new pair of dormmates yesterday, Elders Marshall and Staker. One is from Ontario, Canada, the other from Eagle Mountain. They are going to Vancouver, Canada.They are pretty cool.
I have not yet eaten any of the no bake cookies, but you used the right recipe. I would prefer Whoopers actually, if you do not want to bake me something. I don't really eat too much here, I've noticed. I don't know if this has always been the case, or if it is just stress.
Devin suprised me with his decision to do fencing. It sounds interesting. Some of the people who came in yesterday brought Pokemon cards. It was funny.
My RLS is not at a standstill of some pain, but mostly annoyance. Since I sleep in a smaller bed and have people around to try to not wake up, I don´t turn as much. Also, it might be becuase I play 4 Square during gym and exercise a bit. I am pretty good at it. Yesterday, I play volleyball, but it was lower skilled people and I did good there too. Great news about the bike, THANKS!!!
We really learn how to love others and teach by the Spirit here. I pray for you guys everyday. I love you so much!
Elder Ryan Robert Rupper
P.S. One of the elders in my district is a Brony (and a Whovian). His friend actually quoted a lot of the new third season in an email.
P.P.S. I will try to send some pictures next week via the Internet thanks to some card adapters they have in the laundry room, but I never got a chance to use them.
P.P.P.S. This computer´s keyboard is crap. Just saying.

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