Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Feb. 5, 2013

So, I got the package you sent earlier from the Evans. I kinda figured out what it is, a photobook. I can't wait to see what else you send. I hope you know, this Friday, I will go over to the Evans. The thing is we have Weekly Planning for 3 hours, lunch with the Bradshaws (to wherever I want), dinner with the Maskells, and two appoinments with investigators, one of which will be baptized this Saturday and one who we picked up yesterday, so it's pretty busy, but I will go there, plus we're on bikes.
Oh, by the way, I got a letter from Karla. I was like, whaaaaat? It surprised me. And, I am sending photos home today, most likely.
This last week has been awesome. At the end of last Tuesday, we picked up a new investigator, Taylor. She is a 14 year old daughter of two less actives, who are starting to come back to church. We even got to set up a baptismal date, for probably the 19th of February. It was awesome.
I had an awesome exchange with Elder Metcalfe. He likes a lot of the same things I do, so we clicked pretty well. He's in the same apartment as Elder Clark and I, so we can hang out at night and in the morning.
We had a lesson with Janice, the one who is going to be baptized this Saturday. She passed her baptismal interview, and we got everything finished up.
Saturday was alright. We had to walk for 7 hours because of Elder Clark's ankle.
Sunday, we taught Sunday School and Elder's Quorom. Just about everyone had left by Elder's Quorom with the Superbowl and everything.
Yesterday, we had so many miracles. It was AWESOME! So here they are:
1. We had a zone training meeting about being more effective planners.
2. We visited a less active who wants to come back to church and bring his non member wife with him.
3. We contacted one of our referrals who we set up a return appointment with for tonight.
4. We contacted another referral we got during our meeting from the Spanish Sisters. They'd been tracting in our area a couple days ago and contacted this woman who was interested. We went by and had a 20 minute first lesson. When we invited her to be baptized, she said she would need some divine intervention.
5. We met with a part member family, where the wife had agreed to take the lessons. It was her birthday yesterday, and it hadn't been going so well. Her husband was gone and the elementary school where her kids go had a lockdown because of a loose gunman, and they got out an hour late. So we decided to get her a cake with Happy Birthday candles. We gave it to her and she was very appreciative. One of the members in the ward, who is working with her, left us a voicemail saying that she got a message with a picture of the cake, and said it was very thoughtful and that we had planted a good seed.
6. We had dinner with the Evans. That's always awesome.
7. We talked to a less active and his friend. The less active is a die-hard Mormon who said he would give us each a picture of the San Diego temple. He is also going to give us the information of his friend as a referral for the other mission. We'd just gone up initially to help someone move since we saw the moving truck.
Suffice it to saw, yesterday was a great day.
Elder Clark is awesome. End of statement.
Lots of Love,
Elder Ryan R Rupper, the last email as a 19 year old

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